Cattle fences for keeping livestock safe, but not all fencing materials are the same. It’s important to choose a cattle fence that lasts a long time, keeps cows secure and is budget-friendly.

Barbed wire is a popular choice, but it’s not ideal for smaller animals. While the sharp barbs provide a physical barrier, they also pose a significant risk of injury for animals who lean into them or stick their heads between the strands trying to reach that elusive clump of grass in the next field.

In addition, barbed wire may not be the most eye-catching or humane option for smaller livestock. However, it’s a good choice for large, herding animals because it discourages them from crawling under the fence or over the top. For a more visually appealing, safer and less expensive alternative to traditional barbed wire, try woven wire. It consists of several horizontal lines kept apart by vertical wires called stays, and is available in a variety of heights.

Cattle Fencing: Ensuring the Safety of Your Herd

Hinged joint fences are cost-effective and relatively simple, but they don’t hold up well to cow pressure and require regular maintenance to keep them in shape. Moreover, they’re not ideal for pastures that have more than cattle — wild hogs will wiggle their snouts through the gaps. Another effective fence option is high tensile smooth wire. It costs less per running foot than barbed or woven wire, has a longer lifespan and requires minimal maintenance. In addition, it’s a good choice for constructing electric fences. A component called a power energizer converts electricity into an electrical pulse that travels along the bare wire. When an animal touches both the energizer and the ground during a pulse, they’ll get an electric shock.